10 Things You Need to Know About Surviving Pregnancy

Hi Everyone,

I have been blogging for a few months now and I thought that I would share my list of things that I think are essential for surviving pregnancy to help any of you in the future. Maybe I should send my list to Kim Kardashian & Kanye West, it might come in handy for them in the next few months!


Here are my top 10 things you need to know about surviving pregnancy:

1. SLEEP – When you are pregnant you are so unbelievably tired for no reason at all. I fell asleep most nights in the beginning by 8pm. Treat yourself to a comfy pair of pajamas (you won’t regret it)

2. Make Memories – From the moment we found out that we were expecting we started taking pictures of my weekly belly progress. At the time it seems like a pain but it was worth it to see how big my belly got each week. Pick out an outfit, with lots of stretch, and wear it in each picture so it’s easy to see the weekly changes.

3. Cleaning – Make sure your partner uses the harsh chemicals and cleans the cat litter.

4. Do your reading – Read up on all of the do and don’t foods while you are pregnant. There are so many things to stay away from that it’s a good idea to know them right off the bat.

5. Get the anti-nausea medicine! – If you are like me you might be reluctant to take medicine while you are pregnant. But talk to your doctor about it to put all fears aside. There is no need to suffer with morning sickness when there is perfectly safe medicine to take to help you combat the nausea. I spent almost 3 months in bed sick and it’s not fun.

6. Consider the source – Many people may give you advice (as I am doing now), it may seem annoying at the time but just know it’s all out of the kindness of their heart and they just want to help you. You can choose to take or not take their advice.

7. Scared by the internet – Before you decide it’s a good idea to watch a birthing video online just know you can not take back what you see once you watch it. Think hard before you and your partner sit down to watch the birthing video, it may cause more fear and anxiety than calmness.

8. Scared by the internet #2 – I am the first person to type my symptoms into Google and web MD myself. If you think an ache or pain is serious call your doctor or go to emerge… it’s worth the wait!

9. Emotions – Your emotions will be off the wall unpredictable. One minute you will be crying than angry than happy. Just let everyone know in your life it’s uncontrollable.

10. Enjoy being pregnant – Last, but not least, enjoy the time that you are pregnant! There are a lot of not so pleasant symptoms that come along with pregnancy but you will forget them all as soon as they are gone. You are only pregnant a few times in life so enjoy the kicks of the baby and the attention that you get for being pregnant…you will miss it when it’s gone.

Hope these are helpful.

Until next time,

One Helpful Momma

The 3rd & Final Trimester!

Hi Everyone,

We made it! The third trimester is finally here. In three short months we will have our little girl here with us to start a whole new chapter in our life. I have heard that the 2nd trimester is the best out of all three because you are not too big yet and you have got over the awful hump of morning sickness that comes with the first trimester. I will soon be able to let you know my thoughts on the whole thing. For now I can only comment on how I have felt in the last week. I feel like I have been getting bigger and bigger and bigger… and even though the baby is said to weigh only 2 pounds I can’t help but think that it makes sense why I have been making even more frequent trips to the washroom. I don’t know how I am going to handle a baby that weighs more than 5 pounds on my bladder.

Most days I have been feeling pretty large. Most of my regular clothes don’t fit me at all anymore and I am wearing maternity clothes and over sized large sweaters. I can’t really hide the fact that I am pregnant any more which means I have had to get use to everyone touching my belly and staring at my belly when I go anywhere. I think this meme sums up how I feel a lot…


I think it is finally time to start a count down… 13 more weeks until I am officially a first time mom!

Stay tuned for my next blog on “Everything You Need to Know About Surviving Pregnancy”

Until next time,

One Colossal Momma

Preparing the Babies Room

Hi Everyone,

The last 6 months the babies room sat un-assembled and in boxes. This made me extremely anxious and stressed out. I guess I am a bit of a neat/organization freak. Well, today that all changed! My mom and her husband drove us back to the city last night, after our Christmas get-away in Wyoming. They than spent the greater part of the morning assembling all of the babies new items so I can spend the next 3 (and final) months more relaxed. I have a great family that would do anything for me; and they will never know how appreciative I am of all the hard work they put into preparing the babies room for me.


After they departed back to the country I spent the rest of the afternoon cleaning, folding, and organizing everything I could. I believe the correct term is nesting! Who knew that a baby came with so many things? Now that everything is in place I just can’t help but be even more excited for when there is a baby in the room!

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All of this preparation hasn’t made the fact that in 3 short months we will have a baby any more real. I don’t think that it will really hit me until I hold her for the first time.

Until next time,

One Less Stressed Momma

Making Memories

Hi Everyone,

Since learning I am going to become a parent I have been in search for new techy ways to make memories for our soon to be little bundle of joy.

Someone showed me this amazing video of a father that uses the web to share memories with his daughter as she grows up. I think this is an amazing way to document milestones for your child and hand over the username and password when they’re old enough to appreciate it.

Here is the video:

I think this is a great idea for all my soon-to-be momma friends out there!

If anyone has any other neat ideas I would love to hear them!

Until next time,

One Techy Momma

Allergic to Pregnancy?

Hi Everyone,

Is it possible to be allergic to pregnancy?

I love to be pregnant, but my body is not so on board with this whole pregnancy thing! I have had every pregnancy symptom in the book and followed my “What to Expect When You’re Expecting” book to a “T”.

Nausea – Check
Lower back pain – Check
Swollen feet – Check
Nose bleeds – Check
Every other possible symptom – Check, check & check

This may sound naive but when I pictured being pregnant, I pictured rainbows and butterflies. Creating life is an amazing thing but being pregnant is hard!


Since being pregnant my view on food has completely changed. I live to eat and not eat to live! Food never dictated how I lived day to day until I became pregnant. I am a raging b*%*$ in the morning if I don’t get my high fiber cereal with milk and I am constantly snacking and planning my next meal. I have got to be annoying my fiance; we will eat a great meal and than I could eat another meal again right after. The one benefit of my new found appetite is what I like to call my “pregnancy belly”. I can pair unlikely foods together and they taste AMAZING!

But please don’t get me wrong, not every pregnancy symptom has been bad, I got amazingly shiny hair and feeling the baby move takes my breath away every time!

Until next time,

One Hungry Momma

Sweets, Sweets & More Sweets!

Hi Everyone,

Today I am going to talk about how crazy my cravings for sweets have been lately and how I have almost no self control when it comes to the sugary snacks in my life!

I have gained 14 pounds in total and am starting to wonder if my body will ever go back to what it looked like pre-pregnancy. I think that my weight gain is normal for where I am in this pregnancy but I think if I keep indulging in all of these sugary snacks it might be harder for me to loss the weight post-pregnancy.

Through the last 24 weeks my cravings have gone up and down. My cravings for apples and pineapples have been steady through most of my pregnancy. In the beginning I was craving pickles and chesse-wiz sandwiches and I could almost drink gravy. Now I find myself unable to control my cravings for sweets! I have to limit myself to the amount of pop I drink in the day because I could drink it all day long. I liked pop before I was pregnant but I never had the drive to drink it like I do right now.



Hopefully this craving passes soon!

Until next time,

One Sweet Momma

A Quick Catch Up

Hi Everyone,

I thought I would start out by letting everyone know how the last 24 weeks of my pregnancy have been going.

Right off the bat when you find out you are pregnanct you are faced with many decisions.  Which prenatal vitamin to take? Do you go with a midwife or an OB/GYN? Do you wait 3 months to tell everyone? And the decisions don’t seem to get easier as the whole process progresses.

We decided to go with an OB/GYN. We picked this option mainly because we feel more comfortable giving birth in a hospital. Even though each appointment might not be as personal and you don’t get the after care a midwife offers; my fears of “what if something goes wrong” feel at ease with an OB/GYN. Plus, I have a fantastic mom that is going to come and help us for a week after the baby is born (what more could I ask for?)

I started my pregnancy out rough. I was pretty much glued to my bed for the first 3 1/2 months with the worst morning sickness. I battled through with anti-nausea medicine, the best bosses a girl could ask for and an incredibly supportive Fiance. I worked from home a lot and survived off of crackers and Gatorade most days. Despite how tough things may have seemed I wouldn’t have changed anything for the world. My Fiance was by my side to help me through basic everyday living. He made so many late night runs to get what every I was craving (gravy, pickles & cheese wiz sandwiches, slushies, etc) even if I could only take one bite!

Since the second trimester things have been looking up! The nausea has decreased A LOT and I feel like a normal human being again! We found out that we are having a little girl and we are going to name her Dahlia Ann! She moves a lot these days and I can already tell she is going to be super active when she is born. I have fell in love with this little girl already and can’t wait to meet her.

ultrasound (13 weeks)

Being pregnant is hard to describe. It seems like time is going fast & slow all at the same time. I feel like no matter how much I try to prepare I will never be prepared for the day we bring our little girl home. I know that once Dahlia is born I will miss sitting watching my belly move and feeling her kicks. It takes your breath away in such an amazing way!

Until next time,

One Excited Momma

We’re Expecting!

We're Expecting!

Follow me in the weeks to come in my first pregnancy and find out my ups & downs in the first few months of being a first time mom! I will talk about what I think you need and don’t need for when a baby arrives and review every day products so you know what to indulge in or hold out on!