Review: Prenatal Class – Day 1

Hi Everyone,

We opted to take prenatal classes because we wanted to get as much information as possible on what to expect when we have the baby. We picked the 2 day weekend classes that run all day once a week for 2 consecutive weekend. We just took our first class this weekend and I thought I would put out my review of the class so far and let you know if I would advice spending the couple hundred dollars to take the class.

Walking into the class I pictured a bunch of pregnant women on yoga mats practicing breaking techniques. I probably pictured this because most movies portray prenatal classes as Lamaze style classes.  We walked in and were the second couple to arrive. After checking in, we grabbed all of the pamphlets and “Health Beginnings” book that was provide. I was convinced I wanted to get as much information from these 2 days as possible! We than put on our name tags and sat and introduced ourselves to the other young couple in the class. Initially, I thought we might be the only 2 couples to show up since it was Superbowl Sunday but to my surprise 8 other couples slowly trickled in.


Day one focused on Labour & Delivery. I felt like most of the information I had received on labour, medical interventions, c-sections, etc. I had already researched greatly before entering the class. The parts of the course that I found extremely valuable were the parts on breathing techniques and positions for managing labour. Can I just say, I never knew a tennis ball massage could be so relaxing! So relaxing, we went right out after class and got one. I will for sure be taking one to the hospital when I go into labour. I also found the tour of our hospital extremely valuable. I feel much more confident going into labour now knowing what to expect and where I will be giving birth.


I have to admit, even though I had done a lot of research on labour and delivery I still got extremely squeamish (to the point of almost passing out) during the talk about c-sections and how epidurals are administered.  Even though I am getting better with needles the thought of them still makes me dizzy. Hopefully I get over this fear before the due date!

Taking prenatal classes is also a great way to meet a lot of other couples going through the exact same thing as you. Everyone’s a bit nervous and all the other women know exactly how your body feels right now…it’s reassuring and comforting knowing you are not the only one growing. You also get to meet a lot of women who have similar due dates as you. It might be a familiar face in the hospital on your big day.

All in all, I can’t wait to see what our second class is going to be like. We are going through breastfeeding, swaddling, diapering and taking baby home! As of now, I would say the class has been totally worth the time and money. Stay tuned for my next review.

Until next time,

One Prepared Momma