An Update & Big News!

Hi Everyone,

So it has been quite a while since my last posting; I guess I should fill you in on what has been happening in my world! It all started around the last time I posted to my blog…since than I have battled 18 weeks of nausea, vomiting, tiredness, and most importantly having the time of my life! If you haven’t guess already, I am no longer going to be a first time momma! We are expecting our second baby in February 2015!



The last few months have been a blast (Despite the urge to get sick all the time). Dahlia is growing up so fast, it’s incredible to watch her get her own little “diva-ish” personality! She’s starting to talk more and wear clothes I for sure thought so wouldn’t wear for another 6 months! I think she is going to love being a big sister. It’s crazy to think that when I was blogging a year ago, Dahlia was only 6 months old. At 6 months old she was crawling, now she is running around, playing games, colouring, and making funny faces to make everyone laugh.

Everyone tells you how fast kids grow up but you don’t really realize it until you have kids of your own.



Some times I get so caught up in life: playing games of peak-a-boo, grocery shopping, bath times, dealing with a SUPER picky eater, and potty training, I don’t really think about how life will change with another new baby. When I was pregnant with Dahlia she was the only thing I thought about constantly. This time I am either a lot less worried or just have a lot less time to worry.

I will try to update everyone more often as I have been slacking on the Blog side of my life lately.

Until next time,

One Excited Momma

Potty Training

Hi Everyone,

I don’t know about you but when I think about potty training a few things come to mind; stressful, tiring, hard, shitty (no pun intended), these are just a few of the things that I thought potty training would be. I’m a researcher when it comes to anything baby related so when I started to research potty training techniques I found a lot of articles that said you could potty train an infant in 1 week (I’m a sceptic).

Instead of believing all of those crazy articles I decided to ask the best potty trainer I know, my Mom. She bought Dahlia a potty a while back so she suggested I start setting her on it so she could get use to the feel of it; so that’s what I did. A few months ago my husband and I started setting Dahlia on her potty around her bath time. The first few times she hated it and got right off but slowly she got use to the idea of sitting on it.

Fast forward a few months until late last week, we decided to start trying to get Dahlia to pee on her potty. She always pees after her naps so that is where we started. Right after her naps we put her on her potty and guess what she peed on it! The first week of potty training has been super successful. Dahlia pees on her potty twice a day and for the first time today she went “#2”.

The result of potty training has went totally opposite than I thought. It’s been exciting, rewarding and accomplishing to change a couple less diapers a day. We are no where near having Dahlia fully potty trained but I am so glad we started at a year and a half old and not waited to long to get her use to using a potty.

Does anyone have any successful tips or tricks for potty training?

Until next time,
One Potty Training Momma



I Survived the First Year of Parenthood!

Hi Everyone,

As of March 29th, 2014 I officially survived one year as a new mom! WOW, that year flew by! It was one roller coaster ride of a year and I wouldn’t change a moment. Lets look back on some of the top and hard moments of the last year.

Some Top Moments:

-Dahlia has learnt to rolling over, smile, crawl, laugh, walk, eat solids, sit up, stand up, babble, etc.

-seeing the excitement and determination when she tries something new

-her laugh always makes me smile!

-seeing & holding Dahlia for the first time

-celebrating my first Mother’s Day, our first Christmas, her first birthday…

-rocking Dahlia to sleep every night

-creating memories and new traditions as a family

Some Hard Moments:

-the lack of sleep in the first 3 months

-finding out Dahlia is allergic to dairy

-her first big fall from walking

-healing from child birth

-breast feeding

-people not realizing you have a baby and your life revolves around there schedule

-leaving her for the first time over night

-deciding to return to work


These are just a few of many things I can think of.


Becoming a parent has to be the most rewarding thing I have ever done in my life. As life progresses and Dahlia gets older each day, I will never forget the day she was born. It was the most amazing and life changing day of my life. I know all of you new moms and dads out their are wondering what life will be life as your child grows up; my only advice is every day just keeps getting better and better!

Until next time,

One Sentimental Momma






*clearly we are related!


Smash the Cake – A Birthday Photo Shoot

Hi everyone,

As you all know, Dahlias first birthday is on March 29th. One of the celebratory things I wanted to do was the iconic “Smash the Cake” photo shoot with her. We decided to set it up and do it ourselves since we bought a nice camera. I wanted to do if before her birthday because we are having a party on her actual birthday and I didn’t want to plan to many things on one day.

The photo shoot went fabulous in my opinion. We got some great shots and Dahlia had a blast. She hated the cake; she actually gaged when she tried it but she loved getting messy.

Here are a few of my favourite shots:






Looking back on the last year really opens my eyes as to how fast life really is. In one year Dahlia has grown, changed, and learned so many things. It seems like yesterday we were headed for the hospital to have her.

I hope you enjoy the pictures as much as I do.

Until next time,
One Happy Momma

Dahlia’s First Birthday

Hi everyone,

I am the middle of planning Dahlia’s first birthday. Her birthday is just over a month away and I am enjoying  planning her party way more than I thought I would! It is so much fun to look back on how far we have come in a year and get to celebrate her life. We are planning to do a “Smash the Cake” photo shoot with Dahlia. I am ecstatic to see how much fun she has getting messy and trying cake for the first time. I will, of course, post pictures after so you can all enjoy it just as much as us.

There are so many cute first birthday ideas on the internet. I can’t decide what to do and what not to do; I just want to do them all. I found this ADORABLE baby info-graphic on Pinterest the other day. Does anyone know where or how I can make one of these? Is there a special program or website to make this?



One year… where has the time went! Each day I look at my little girl and can’t believe how much she has grown and change. I wish time would slow down but also love the little personality she is gaining. She has the biggest smile, can walk, has the most addictive laugh, is a picky eater and loves to snuggle and I wouldn’t change anything about her.

Until next time,

One Sentimental Momma





photo 2


photo 1

The Truth Behind Maternity Leave

Hi Everyone,

As my maternity leave is quickly coming to an end, I can’t help but wonder where the last year of my life has went. A year is a substantial amount of time to be away from the working world but it seemed to fly by. The daunting task of re-entering the world of advertising is fast approaching and I can’t help but be a little sad.  Prior to my maternity leave, when I pictured myself with a child and about to return to the working world, it seemed easy and normal. But since spending every minute of the last year of my life with my daughter it no longer feels right.

Becoming a mom changed my life. I am no longer the same person that I use to be. I am a mother, a provider, an entertainer, a chef but the thought of re-gaining the title of Search Engine Marketing Specialist just plain scares me. I have spend 11 months talking “baby-talk”, how am I suppose to have an intelligent conversation with a co-worker? So, as I approach this new chapter in my life, I thought I would “confess” the truth behind maternity leave.

I had the privilege of taking the entire maternity and parental leave in our household. Not working for a year seems amazing as you approach a maternity leave. Its a “break or vacation” from your normal everyday life. Once you leave life as a student, there aren’t many more opportunities to not have to work (unless you’re rich of course) until you retire.

My experience with maternity leave was pretty great. It went by a bit to quickly but that’s uncontrollable. Everything has there advantages and disadvantages so here are a few of mine.


– Getting to watch your child grow

– Teaching your child new things

– You learn new things about yourself

– You have so much fun

– You will smile more than you have in your entire life

– You get to spend the first year of your child’s life with them apposed to childcare


– Feeling lonely sometimes

– Feeling like you have accomplished nothing in a day

– Sometimes not leaving your pj

– Cabin fever

– Returning to work is daunting

– Time flies when you are having fun

Theses are just a few of the advantages and disadvantages I have personally experience on my maternity leave. Although with good comes some bad, I would never change a moment I have spent with my daughter in the last year. The thought of it all coming to an end makes me very sad but I can’t help but think of all of the amazing things to come in the future.

Until next time,

One Changed Momma


Teething pains

Hey everyone,

I am in need of some major advice! Dahlia is right in the middle of getting her first top tooth. She is in so much pain; it breaks my heart to see her like this. Everyone told me the top teeth would be much more painful coming in than the bottom, but I had no idea it would be this bad.

Right now, I have been giving her cold teethers, Tylenol and baby Orajel. The pain just doesn’t seem to be letting up though. All day she just wants to cry, snuggle or sleep. She is totally uninterested in playing or engaging in any of her normal activities.

What are all the moms out there using to ease their babies teething pains? Any ideas or help would be very much appreciated! Thank you in advance.

Until next time,

One Sad Momma

sad*photo credit – my husband!

Unconventional parenting… But it works!

Hi everyone,

I think when it comes to child rearing everyone has an opinion…friends, family, neighbours, self proclaimed experts, strangers, etc, etc, etc. and that’s okay! There are a lot of theories and advice out there on ways to raise a child. But, guess what? Only you can choose how you actually do it.

We are a vegetarian household, we don’t let Dahlia cry for very long before comforting her, we let her play with lots of toys, she drinks formula, we tried to buy organic when the price is right and we feed her homemade food and baby food from a jar.

My husband and I haven’t picked a particular method to raise our daughter and that’s working for us. We rule by “whatever gets the food in her mouth, do it!” theory in our house. While I was pregnant, we had all of these amazing plans on how to raise Dahlia but as soon as she was born they all went out the window and we live each day as it comes. I’m not here to talk negatively about any parenting methods, I’m always open to hearing new techniques and tricks parents have for their children. I simply think that it is too easy to get caught up in trends and fads before doing enough research. It’s easy to jump onto a new parenting trend before considering the effects it may have on your child.

Once you become a parent, your main group of friends seem to have children as well. It is so easy to compare your child to another child around the same age (I do this all the time). You will drive yourself crazy doing this. Every child hits developmental milestones at different times and the way you choose to raise them can effect these things.

I think the main purpose of this post is to point out the fact that everyone is going to give you parenting advice but it’s your decision to take it. We are all here surviving our day-to-day routines and you shouldn’t worry what everyone else is doing. If it’s working for you keep up the good work!

Until next time,

One Unconventional Momma



Soother Weening

Hi Everyone,

Introducing Dahlia to a soother (aka pacifier) was a lot of work. We tried many different ones and she seemed to gag with almost all of them. 35 weeks ago we found one that worked for her…


Fast forward 35 weeks and here we are. She doesn’t have a soother in her mouth at all times. She mainly uses it to calm herself to sleep at night and for her naps. I’m at a cross roads on how and when to lose the pacifier. I want to get rid of it before she gets to old and to attached but am unsure how to go about it.

Today we got a new pacifier that is suppose to ween babies off of pacifiers…


My goal is for the pacifier to “get lost” or disappear once she turns a year old. Every time I think about that day I get nervous. I would love to know some tricks or tips anyone has for losing the soother! Please HELP!

Until next time,

One Nervous Momma


Pregnancy after a miscarriage

Hi everyone,

When I had a miscarriage a few years back I never realized how it would effect me with future pregnancies. I remember that day like yesterday. The sadness, feeling alone, everything disappearing within a moments notice and having no control.

When I got pregnant with Dahlia, all of those feelings came flooding back. I spent almost everyday for 9 months worrying that the same thing would happen again. One of the scariest things has to be not having control. I worried (probably to much) about every pain or cramp until we hit the day in the pregnancy where it was safe for Dahlia to be born.

Pregnancy lose is something that is not talked about a lot. But to my surprise is much more common than I had ever imagined. Until I lost a baby I had no idea how many people I knew who had experienced the same thing as me. Life is a crazy thing. I always relate life to space (A weird analogy, I know). My brain has a hard time comprehending how big space is and how it was created. The same goes for understanding conception and the creation of life.

Because of everything I have gone through in the past, I am here and am stronger. I cherish the fact that I was able to have a baby after a miscarriage. Life really is a miracle and should not be taken for granted. It’s hard to really understand how someone feels until you lose a baby or can’t have a baby until you want one yourself.

Despite the fear and anxiety I may have felt while I was pregnant with Dahlia, I would never change anything about it. Having Dahlia is the best decision we have ever made. Never let your fears hold you back from getting or achieving something you really want.

I really didn’t start healing from my experience until I opened up and talked about it. I hope my post today reaches someone out there and helps them with pregnancy lose.

Until next time,

One Very Grateful Momma
