Dahlia’s First Birthday

Hi everyone,

I am the middle of planning Dahlia’s first birthday. Her birthday is just over a month away and I am enjoying  planning her party way more than I thought I would! It is so much fun to look back on how far we have come in a year and get to celebrate her life. We are planning to do a “Smash the Cake” photo shoot with Dahlia. I am ecstatic to see how much fun she has getting messy and trying cake for the first time. I will, of course, post pictures after so you can all enjoy it just as much as us.

There are so many cute first birthday ideas on the internet. I can’t decide what to do and what not to do; I just want to do them all. I found this ADORABLE baby info-graphic on Pinterest the other day. Does anyone know where or how I can make one of these? Is there a special program or website to make this?



One year… where has the time went! Each day I look at my little girl and can’t believe how much she has grown and change. I wish time would slow down but also love the little personality she is gaining. She has the biggest smile, can walk, has the most addictive laugh, is a picky eater and loves to snuggle and I wouldn’t change anything about her.

Until next time,

One Sentimental Momma





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