Potty Training

Hi Everyone,

I don’t know about you but when I think about potty training a few things come to mind; stressful, tiring, hard, shitty (no pun intended), these are just a few of the things that I thought potty training would be. I’m a researcher when it comes to anything baby related so when I started to research potty training techniques I found a lot of articles that said you could potty train an infant in 1 week (I’m a sceptic).

Instead of believing all of those crazy articles I decided to ask the best potty trainer I know, my Mom. She bought Dahlia a potty a while back so she suggested I start setting her on it so she could get use to the feel of it; so that’s what I did. A few months ago my husband and I started setting Dahlia on her potty around her bath time. The first few times she hated it and got right off but slowly she got use to the idea of sitting on it.

Fast forward a few months until late last week, we decided to start trying to get Dahlia to pee on her potty. She always pees after her naps so that is where we started. Right after her naps we put her on her potty and guess what she peed on it! The first week of potty training has been super successful. Dahlia pees on her potty twice a day and for the first time today she went “#2”.

The result of potty training has went totally opposite than I thought. It’s been exciting, rewarding and accomplishing to change a couple less diapers a day. We are no where near having Dahlia fully potty trained but I am so glad we started at a year and a half old and not waited to long to get her use to using a potty.

Does anyone have any successful tips or tricks for potty training?

Until next time,
One Potty Training Momma

